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Sep 26, 2023

Power Up with Rosemary

We've all been told to eat our veggies and if we're lucky we've been told to eat our herbs too. Garlic, parsely, sage, rosemary, thyme, chili pepper...they all do a little more than flavor your supper. You can make your healthy veggies even healthier with herbs' anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties.  
I'm always pressed for time so when someone says "potluck" this time of year, I chop whatever root veggies or squash I've got, toss them with olive oil and rosemary and roast them til they get a little caramelized. 
Potatoes, carrots, squash, beets, sweet potatoes - they all roast nicely with a little bit of olive oil and rosemary. 
Did you know science has proven that Rosemary contains compounds with "health-promoting properties, such as antimicrobial [], anti-inflammatory [], neuroprotective [], anti-oxidant [], and anticancer properties []. " Compounds in rosemary help fight prostate cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and more. (nerd out on all the details here: )
Adding rosemary to your soups, veggies, and casseroles powers up the nutrition. Fresh rosemary also makes a lovely addition to lemonade or tea. When I'm cooking and reaching for the spice shelf, I've been known to mutter, "here's a little of this to fight cancer, this for brain health, and a little of this to fight heart disease." Admittedly, that probably makes me weird. Or just committed to the idea of whole foods and health. 
Eat well. Be well. And Elevate One Another